
February 13, 2007

chevron for meret

Filed under: chevron, knitting, oppenheim — innimellom @ 8:38 pm

Meret Oppenheim (1936) Object (Le Dejeuner en fourrure)
Fur-covered cup, saucer and spoon
I’ve been to several seminars the last week, and there has been almost no time for knitting. But I have read, and I have studied art, and I’ve found that Merete Oppenheim probably had a problem with colds – at least in the winter, so; I’m making her a scarf.

As you all know she died more than twenty years ago, but my guess is that far too few people knitted for her when she was around. I’m using Joelle Hoverson’s “Chevron Scarf” pattern from Last Minute Knitted Gifts. A really nice example of this scarf can be seen at knottybits.

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